Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula’

This tree is at the junction of the East Walk and the Grass Path.
County Champion by height
Distribution: | A cultivar of deciduous Common Beech, Fagus sylvatica, which is widely distributed throughout Europe and is a British native. |
Planting Date: | before 1922 |
Appearance: | The weeping beech is characterized by its shape with sweeping, pendulous branches. The trunk of the tree may not be visible from a distance due to the covering “weeping” branches which may reach the ground; and start new roots again. Smaller than the common beech, the tree can reach a height of up to 25 m. All other characteristics are the same as the European Beech Fagus sylvatica. |
Bark: | Smooth |
Leaf: | Broad, flat, simple and not lobed. They have smooth margins and alternate. They typically measure 5 cm to 10 cm in length. The green leaves become copper-toned in the fall. In winter the skeleton of the silvery stem with its branches remains attractive. Pigment in the leaves acts like a sunscreen to protect new leaves and bluebells. |
Flowers: | Flowers appear in the spring and are inconspicuous. |
Fruit: | The triangular beechnuts (or beech mast) sit in a thin spiny husk and are less than 5 cm in diameter. Beech nuts are popular in autumn with birds, mice and squirrels. |
Tree height and girth in 2023: | Height 20 m and girth 20 cm |
Uses: | The nuts are edible. Slightly toxic to humans if eaten in large quantities due to the tannins and alkaloids they contain. The wood of the European beech is used in the manufacture of numerous objects and implements. Its fine and short grain makes it an easy wood to work with, Good for minor carpentry, particularly furniture. A good firewood. |
Introduction Date: | Documented in France 1826 Introduced to London 1828 |
Anecdotes and Comments: | Rated County Champion in 2023 by height by The Tree Register. Mr Hammond’s notes tell us the leading shoot died off in October 1922. |