Planted: 1931

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This shrub can be found on the east side of the Philadelphus Walk.

Distribution:Wide distribution after discovery circa 1881.
Planting Date:February  1931, supplied by Thomas Smith, Daisy Hill Nursery, Newry, Northern Ireland
Appearance:Large, bushy shrub with thin, lax twig system. Barely-toothed, soft, smallish leaves, ovate to lanceolate, smooth, except for a narrow line of hairs on each side of the central vein. Flowers single, with pointed petals, in terminal clusters of 5 or so; slight fragrance.
Growth Habit:Slender arching growth supporting new flowering twigs.
Bark:Flaking and peeling orangey brown on the main stem. Branches darkening to purplish brown.
Leaf:Ovate to ovate lanceolate, slender pointed, rough to the touch and minutely toothed. 3 cm to 7 cm long by 2 cm to 4 cm wide.
Flowers:Pure white to 4 cm across, with four lance-shaped, pointed petals in racemes of 3 to 7 on 5 cm 10 cm long twigs. Calyx glabrous except for down their margins.  Styles separated half way down.
Fruit:Seed capsules form and dry by Autumn.
Toxicity:No parts are edible.
Potential size:3 m to 4 m
Uses:Ornamental shrub
Plant Hunter:The origin of this mock orange is not known. It was first distinguished in Parsons and Company nursery at Flushing, Long Island, United States, and is probably a hybrid.
Introduction Date: Circa 1881